LDD Directory Lite Plugin



LDD Directory Lite

Easily build a categorized, content rich and fully searchable directory of local businesses, service providers, organizations, or any other type of listing.

Business Listings Include

Custom Categories • Front End Listing Submissions & Management • Business Logo • Full Description • Sumamary Text • Business Contact Info
• Anti-Spam Protected Contact Form • Business Website Link • Social Links (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin)

Available Add-On Plugins

(extend the usefulness and functionality of your directory)
Download Details

Directory Import

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Directory Reports & Exports

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Directory Reviews

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Directory Social Login

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Directory Social Share

Here are just a few of the fantastic features of the LDD Business Directory Lite:

Developer Friendly

Come visit us on GitHub, and feel free to submit a pull request! Not only can you fork the public repository, but we baked in a variety of WordPress actions and filters to make extending the directory super easy.

Powered by Bootstap

If you haven’t already heard, Bootstrap is a powerful CSS framework built by the folks behind Twitter. The directory includes Bootstrap in order to provide a consistent and feature rich front end interface that easily adapts to any design.

Completely Customizable

The directory works straight out of the box, but you can customize your directory right on the dashboard, from email templates to header colors and more. If you’re adventurous, edit the bundled templates for complete control.

100% Responsive

The entire frontend is written in clean HTML5 and CSS3, with a strong focus on being 100% responsive. Your directory will adapt to any screen size, on any device, without breaking all the hard work you put into running a mobile friendly theme.

Screen Shots

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does it say "Lite?"

The LDD Directory Lite plugin is a complete rewrite of an older business directory plugin with a full feature set. However, there are a few advanced features that we have developed as paid, premium add-ons in order to keep the LDD Directory Lite plugin as flexible and lightweight as possible.

Can you add a feature for me?

If you think your idea will benefit everyone who uses our directory plugin, please let us know about it! We have all kinds of ideas on where to go, but your feedback is ultimately what will guide us.

If you need something customized for your purposes, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

What kind of directory can I use this for?

You name it! You can create a directory of local or national businesses, a list of non-profit organizations related to your cause, or maybe you want to have a directory of neighborhood restaurants!

There are no hardcoded labels that force you to make a directory specific to any group. Let your imagination run wild!

How do I get support for your plugin?

We handle support requests for our FREE core plugin through the official WordPress support forums. If you have purchased one of our premium add-ons you may contact us directly with any issues you may have and we will do our best to prioritize your request and get you back up and running as quickly as possible.